CustomerGauge Enhances The World’s Largest Open Source Customer Experience and NPS® Benchmarks Repository

CustomerGauge—the leading SaaS vendor of B2B CX software and the #1 provider of open-source customer experience benchmarks in the world—announces the move of, the premier Net Promoter Score® library. 

Boston, MA—, the largest free online library of Net Promoter Score benchmarks for B2B and B2C industries, is moving to a new location and expanding its catalogue of benchmarks beyond NPS®, announces CustomerGauge. 

The new location will be housed on CustomerGauge’s own site,, and renamed to commemorate the shift in additional B2B benchmarking information to come: Experience Benchmarks.    

Started in 2009, NPS Benchmarks has become an open source repository for published Net Promoter Scores. In that time, it has expanded to enable community members to publish their own scores and comment in forums, as well as provide guidance on how to present company Net Promoter Scores in the most transparent way. In 2016, CustomerGauge increased the site further to include blogs and discussion forums for community members eager to offer their own expertise. 

CustomerGauge also provides far reaching industry research in collaboration with MIT CISR to help further the Net Promoter movement. Since then, countless brands—from HPE Software to Apple—have embraced and engaged with the benchmarking community. 

Today, CustomerGauge announced that they are no longer owners of the URL and will not support the site, but will instead be shifting the entirety of its content and Net Promoter Score database to the new URL, for Experience Benchmarks

“We know the NPS community will miss the old URL, but we assure them and all our followers who love NPS Benchmark’s free content, that it will all be available at its new home on Experience Benchmarks—along with new additional free benchmarking information to come,” says Ian Luck, Director of Marketing at CustomerGauge. 

As part of the move, in addition to the Net Promoter Score database, CustomerGauge will extend the benchmark library to other B2B customer experience KPIs.

“It’s important to us that customer-centric companies—big and small—looking to better themselves, aren’t subjected to the pay gates around most benchmarking information,” explains Luck. “One of the core values of CustomerGauge and the NPS Benchmarks community is a commitment to open-source and transparent information. We’re excited about what’s to come for our benchmarking community and the customer experience industry as a whole.”

 Ian Luck, Director of Marketing at CustomerGauge

For more information on the URL move to, contact


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About CustomerGauge

CustomerGauge is a leading provider of Account Experience solutions, helping companies bridge the gap between customer feedback and revenue growth. Unlike traditional research-based feedback tools that leave insights siloed and unused, CustomerGauge provides a real-time system that identifies at-risk customers to reduce churn and uncovers untapped upsell opportunities to maximize the value of every customer relationship.